Carl's Cream of Mushroom Soup

(Dudes) #1

Originally published at:

This simple soup is a great template for any kind of cream of roasted veggie soup. It’s essentially roasted mushrooms with garlic, some butter, and heavy cream. OK, it’s a little more complicated than that, but you can whip it up in about 30 minutes from scratch. Great on a cold day – or a hot…

(fd5923465e47194116d8) #2

Sounds and looks delicious. Have you tried freezing it? It would be perfect for those quick to pack lunches.

(Patrick Belair) #3

I don’t think it’s a good ideal to freeze because of the cream. It will probably separate when heat up.

(Cathrine Helle) #4

You could probably freeze the base, and just add hwc when preparing :slight_smile:

(Jackie) #5

Ok…now my mouth is watering and here I am in hour 20 of a fast :flushed:

(Doug) #6

Ooh that looks great. In the old days, I’d have dropped 80 or so crackers into it…

(Evie Paratore) #7

I just got done making this…absolutely delish and why I can do this way of eating the rest of my life!