When to test blood ketone levels?

(Mark H) #1

Now in Month 2 of a fairly strict keto diet and generally loving it and really won over by the whole concept. Am getting decent readings from urine and blood and now we’re just using the blood monitor. We’re also going to check blood sugar levels and I now know to test these before eating etc. When are the best times to test ketone levels?


(Ken Early) #2

You won’t get a run-of-the-mill answer.
To me, urine tests are just ‘throwaways’. They’re cheap and easy, but there is little confirmation.
I do ketone and glucose blood tests daily; I usually only test once, but if I’m doing a 24 hour plus fast I’ll end up testing twice. I make sure to space it 2-3 hours after eating.
A few notes: some people mention that they have lower ketones in the morning and higher fasted glucose. Ketones can also show lower post workout. These are all situations to consider, but as they say, ‘the trend is your friend’. It doesn’t hurt to get data from all aspects.
If you have the extra dough to spend on testing, do it, it’s interesting.

(Mark Rhodes) #3

I use blood and breath ( Ketonix). During our beginning phase we tested often and I am glad we did as it helped me understand my cycle, usually for me HIGHER in the morning and leveling out throughout the day, contrary to others. I like testing my low point because I can then figure the rest of the day I am gold.
Currently I use my ketonix to just assure me that yesterday’s stir fry didn’t upset my nutrition. If that scores lower than I am used to seeing, then I go test blood for reassurance and course corrections. Started April 1st and I also figure I will need to establish new baselines in the upcoming months.
There was another link today in the forums and I think @richard answered this best but I cannot find it. He was saying that BS test prior to a meal should be the same as two hours after a meal. As there is an inverse effect of insulin and ketone production this too should be taken into account which goes perfectly well with how and when I do test, always before eating or for ketones 4 hours after.


Glad to hear your loving the diet. I started 3 months ago and am feeling better than ever, with it!:grinning:

As a Newbie, can’t say when is the best. I like the quote by Ken.

For what it’s worth, I’ve been tracking my BS and Ketones by blood since starting 3 months ago. I do one in morning after waking, one after work just before dinner, and one before bedtime. I have tested at other times- say after eating something not my usual or after skipping a meal or exercising. I feel like- if I record them with a note and do it consistently- I am seeing some general trends and learning how my system works. I don’t think I will need to keep monitoring like this much longer, because I’ll have a pretty good feel for the diet. Cost of doing it this way doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.

(Lillian Cowen) #5

I found for me the best time was in the evening after all the meals were done.