NEWS! (Not Really) - AHA hates coconut oil

(Sheri Knauer) #41

I also saw yesterday an article that came out the day before the coconut oil one where the AHA is recommending people eat margarine instead of butter because of the sat fat. Way to go AHA. Seems like a bunch of uninformed morons running the show there.

(Andrew Anderson) #42

From Benjamin Binkman’s FB page. Scienced!

(Fran) #43

I just saw the article and posted it. I apologize for the repeat post. My good friend used to work the AHA as a receptionist. She told me never to donate money to them because the majority of the money donated goes to thank you gifts for people who come to the fund raising parties. A very small percentage actually goes to science or, like helping people. What a crock.

Is this article in response to all the attention keto has been getting, do you think?


OK, I had to read Taubes’ article just to see how Bing Crosby fits into to it. :laughing:

“Bing Crosby epidemiology” – i.e., “accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.” In short, it’s cherry picking, and it’s how a lawyer builds an argument but not how a scientist works to establish reliable knowledge"

and a bit further down…

They are literally saying (not figuratively, literally) that vegetable oils — soy, canola, etc — are as beneficial as statins and so we should all consume them.

Which, may be true if you subscribe to the theory that statins are worse than nothing for most people. :wink:

(Fran) #45

Are you kidding me?! This is freaking going backwards! WTF!

[merged topic - CarolT]

(Keto in Katy) #46

Pro Tip: Whenever you see advice from an institution whose name begins with “American” and ends with “Association” … buckle up.

(Richard M Martin) #47

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(Katie Hartman) #48

there seems to be a new study weekly


It’s like coffee. One minute it’s poison and another it is curing cancer and prolonging your life!


Yeah? Well I advise against Coca-Cola the American Heart Association.

(Sheri Knauer) #51

Could this have possibly triggered the anti coconut oil crap?

(Crow T. Robot) #52

Ding ding ding! We have a winnah!

(Crow T. Robot) #53

That’s the thing, there’s no new science – they just keep recycling and repackaging the same old ideas and releasing it as a new “study”. When you find out who is funding this crap, you understand that it’s literally nothing more than marketing.

Simply put, they are starting and finishing with a false premise: higher LDL means you have heart disease. They don’t look at actual outcomes (was there any actual harm), they just jump to the conclusion (called a surrogate endpoint). Mostly because they are supported by the pharmaceutical industry, which is making billions selling statin drugs which only do one thing: lower LDL.

(ianrobo) #54

From the Bayer PR I noticed this line

Allen Gent, Strategic Business Lead for Bayer, said, “The average age of the American farmer is well over 50 years old, and automation is much more prevelant in today’s agriculture climate. Growers are more sendentary than in the past, which is one contributing factor to cardiovascular disease

Could it be that they are eating the crap that they grow ??

(Ernest) #55

Just read this

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(Ryan Lindsey) #56

Yeah, this seems to be trending at the moment.

The video I watched yesterday had my jaw agape the entire time - they opened by saying “Coconut oil isn’t good for you, it’s fat!”. And it was downhill from there.

I find it very dishonest when they don’t actually link to the report. We get to make a really splashy headline without justification!

(Sheri Knauer) #57

The day before that article came out, I read one saying Butter was bad and we should be using margarine instead…

(Doug) #58

That Channel 10 webpage just looks like click-bait advertising to me. The thesis is that saturated fat “is bad for you,” and at the very least there is more to the truth than that.

“A new report by the American Heart Association says coconut oil is as bad for the body as other oils high in saturated fat, like butter, beef fat and palm oil.” – On that webpage, the “American Heart Association” is a link, and if you click on it you go to another page where the very first article mentioned is “Controversial paper says saturated fats don’t clog arteries.”

Sheesh… :rolling_eyes:

(Ryan Lindsey) #59

Technically that statement is correct, in that they’re not at all bad for you… :expressionless:

(Tim) #60

Looks like there is some push back in the media - sort of;