What do you all put butter on?

(Jane) #21

We used a popcorn maker also until my husband surprised me with an electric coffee roaster for CAB 2 years ago. Christmas, Anniversary (12/30) and my Birthday (1/4). Got some nice things over the years ganging them altogether!

(Pete A) #23

Daily with vegetables… sometimes in coffee I also add some when cooking seafood or on too lean beef. Or anything really…

(Alec) #25




(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #27

Not on my salad; that’s what blue cheese dressing is for.

(Butter Withaspoon) #28

What Alec said :joy: but I can’t top that photo :rofl:

(Scott) #29

I just bought some grass fed butter and going to throw a chunk in my eggs this morning. Gave my steak last night while it was resting a butter blanket.


My favorite is mushrooms sauteed in butter with garlic.

(Marianne) #31

Hmmm, I really can’t think of anything as a stand-alone, however, I love to put a big dollop of ghea in the pan when I make scrambled eggs, big dollop in a cast iron skillet when I sear meat, etc. When it’s finished, I add a little water and maybe some bacon grease and get up the pan bits, then pour it over our meat as a sauce. When I was eating vegetables, I would love using a lot of butter or ghee in steamed brussels sprouts with salt. I love rich food, butter being right at the top, so it was never difficult for me to incorporate into my eating plan.

(UsedToBeT2D) #32

When food is catered at the office, oftentimes there are a bunch of those single serve butter packets left. I take them, they make great little fat bombs.

(Alex) #33

I put butter on broccoli and cauliflower

(Scott) #34

Steak mostly but often eat a lump too.

(Veronica) #35

I could put butter on literally anything, a piece of stake, a pork chop, bacon, any veggies, the only place I won’t have it is in my morning coffee, I tried that and really wasn’t my thing, now cream on the other hand. Butter, I find, is just delicious, but I might be overdoing it. Another thing I use to add fats to a dish, if you don’t mind a lot of dairy, is I melt cheese on my dishes which I feel also makes them more filling, and if it’s an omelette I’m making a lot of cream. If I wasn’t such a terrible cook I’d learn to make a proper cheese sauce, maybe there’s hope for me yet.


But bacon is already so fatty :smiley:
While coffee with butter only isn’t my thing (it’s better than black if it’s foamy but still not my fav) but I always put a little butter into it when I add an egg (or just the yolk)… I do that when I don’t have cream (or milk but that’s inferior, coffee is made to be paired of cream if you ask me, wonderful combo. but butter is a close relative to cream and it shows in the taste…).

(Robin) #37

I could put butter on butter.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #38

And your point is . . . ?? :bacon::bacon::bacon:

Preach it, sister!!


It almost never makes sense to me to eat food between 70-98 fat percentage. (Not always, though but it’s rare and those items contain the fat naturally.)
Bacon is already too fatty.
Of course we are all different but it’s still pretty crazy to me. People typically add something less fatty to bacon (or nothing) as far as I know.

Crazy doesn’t mean anything bad to me, by the way. But it is unusual.

Yes, that’s fine, that’s still pure butter. Butter is lovely alone though I almost never eat it like that nowadays.

(Megan) #40

Nothing now. It only tastes good to me when it’s on carbs. I’ve tried cooking steak in it and eating it with meat, really dislike the taste combo. Like I want to gag kind of dislike.


Scrambled eggs and butter. Where I live it’s upside down. So, it’s more a case of what do I put on my butter.

(Allie) #42

Nothing now. I’ve had to cut butter out along with all other dairy.