

yea I do buy the jumbo sized Aussie ones that are frozen. The ones from Australia are so darn good vs. other bagged frozen for me. I do see yours are that smaller ‘what I calabash size’ around here. But darn they all do taste good tho right? :slight_smile:
Your spicy wing pic looks so darn good…hey are you still handling spicy ok? I had to dump my buffalo wings, I can’t handle the hot taste anymore, more my tummy won’t take it, but my lips still love it HA

Very true S~! I know you some of you guys way better than I know my own neighbor down the road HA

-----woke up without a food focus. nothing saying cook me.
hmmmm today might be the day first meal is tackle using up some of those darn crab legs in the freezer. Got like 12 lbs to use up…I am thinking, first meal just cook as many damn crab legs as it takes to FILL ME UP…and that might be the full 12 lbs. I don’t know LOL might be an interesting experimental crab leg day for me. but key is not use alot of dip butter, cause that butter makes it such a rich meal I kinda shut down on eating more than the 2-3 lbs I could easily eat if not for that butter involved. OK might challenge me today :slight_smile:
will see it rolls.


We have these super tiny shrimps here, and some bigger but still smallish ones. I wouldn’t complain if they wouldn’t cost so very, very much. I rather buy deer for a way lower price… Shrimps are lovely but not flavorful enough for their price, they just don’t worth it for me.

I accidentally bought pork shoulders instead of green ham. Oh well, not a big deal, I just don’t have lean meat now. But is that a problem? :smiley:
I don’t need the extra lard but it won’t spoil and if I roast it, most fat will stay inside.
Fattier meat suits my budding OMAD anyway. Today I skipped lunch@ Well, had a tiny one. I ate a deviled egg and drank a coffee with egg milk. And some scratchings and tiny butter. It’s good, this little won’t make me super hungry right away. If I eat more, I can’t stop until I had a proper sized meal. But I am not really hungry yet so it will work out very well.
One reason to wait was that the turkey drumsticks took their sweet time. Alvaro had deviled eggs for lunch, the turkey will be our dinner. We figured out that if I eat some fatty bites at lunch, I may luck out and join him for his usually early dinner. It never was okay for me to join him for lunch AND dinner as the two are about 2 hours apart, sometimes less and even I don’t get hungry that quickly after a substantial carnivore meal. And I get hungry in 30-60 minutes after a small one in the rare case where I can stop to begin with…

I will need to get used to this. I always liked to eat at 2-3pm, it came very naturally to me and school lunches were there too. I tend to lose my perfect satiation until then even if I don’t necessarily get hungry yet let alone in an annoying way. Some cute hunger is fine.

We will see. I obviously will have TMAD days too but maybe I will have plenty of OMAD ones as well.

Alvaro found some cheaper vegs so he is all excited about his turkey curry. I probably will taste it (fishing out the meat parts) but that’s it. The turkey is 1180g so pretty small, I only take the 180g for myself. And the tiny taste. I just can’t ignore his meaty dishes when almost all of that kind of meat goes into it. And eating my own drumstick today won’t help enough. But I mostly will let him have it. It lasts for more days and my cooking will get easier.

Wait. We have pork loin! No complete lack of lean pork then. But it’s partially for Alvaro’s so I can’t just fry it up for myself, we need to coordinate and I need to wait until the turkey curry gets eaten. 1kg meat lasts WAY longer for Alvaro than for me (though I wouldn’t eat much fowl either. I can’t help it with the drumstick, it’s ONE drumstick… tried to imagine cutting off a piece and leave it, nope, not realistic).

So, turkey day. It won’t be low-protein, to put it lightly. As I still need some eggs and pork, turkey just isn’t substantial enough. BUT with one proper meal only… We will see :slight_smile:

The turkey is pretty and unusual enough that I will put some effort into shooting it.


We may try, it sounds nice… He is different with green leaves, he loves spinach :scream: Well in the right situation I could eat 10-20g of it too… But he just goes and cooks 3kg :smiley: Poor thing, it happened, like, once or twice since I tried out carnivore… But it can’t be that important for him then… :thinking: He still can buy frozen vegs if he likes, he just can’t store it in the freezer, it must be cooked immediately.
But he never was into the chard. I just looked at the wild ones, 10-12 around the garden sometimes, big and very, very beautiful… I know it’s edible in soups but still meh and anyway, I stopped making veggie soups and my meat soups usually only contain meat, not vegs. Hard to use up many of those gorgeous leaves.
I am sure they can be filled with meat too. Like grape leaves. Mom did that :slight_smile: Hungarians usually use saurkraut leaves for that (it’s a super popular traditional dish, with rice but it works without :wink: ) but grape is good too (if big enough).
It’s not that important, it can’t have much nutrition and it’s not tasty by itself but it’s nice to use what we have…


I doubt I will eat again today so my tracking is finished. I had an OMAD-ish day, my only proper meal was between 6 and 7pm (Alvaro took his sweet time today and I wanted to eat together. I wasn’t very hungry but I had the loss of focus and this time even a serious drop of energy, that’s not good if I want to do something).
I didn’t want my whole turkey drumstick, 60g is left :slight_smile: Had a tiny bit of pork, little eggs and my dessert (that seems to become my fav one) was some Greek yogurt. I need a better one, it’s super easy to eat a lot of sugar with it… It may or may not be a problem, I usually don’t care about my animal sugar intake and I don’t go far enough to get a ton of fat from it so maybe not. But it’s so creamy and sour and wonderful! :smiley:
Low meat day again, modest protein and fat too. Nice even from an OMAD-ish day.

(Geoffrey) #45

@Geezy56’s food is too raw for me, sorry.

Here in Texas we have a saying when asked how we want our steak to which we reply “Lob off it’s horns, wipe it’s butt, put it on a plate and bring it out here to me.”
In other words, I like it rare. That lamb steak was almost overcooked for me. Lol!

Maybe these lamb chops will be more to your liking.

Seared a bunch of lamb chops in some tallow.
After a good mallard crust on them I put them in the crockpot with some chicken bone broth for a nice slow cook for most of the day.

Final product, fall off the bone tender with a nice fatty broth.

I’m telling’ ya boys and girls, that’s some mighty fine eating.


Yes, I know that saying from this forum already. And the one where the cow is walked by the fire :smiley:
I still keep true to my roots. I always liked to fry/cook the hell out of everything - it changed when I bought beef as that obviously needed less time (unless it’s a stew or soup). I don’t know how I noticed it but it was obvious. So I fry beef for a little time, even the liver that I don’t want anymore. SUPER sweet and one thing I really hate is sweet meat. Natural sweetness often works but not to that extent.
But still. Wet and red inside is not my thing. Each to their own I guess :slight_smile: I like when my meat get seriously browned on the outside (we call that color red and it’s reddish indeed in many cases) and I can accept a light, barely juicy pinkness inside for me but that’s it. I am especially sensitive if it’s (not beef) liver. I actually tried to eat it rawish (like, 10 minutes frying) and it was gag-inducing!
But I haven’t had liver since MONTHS (my time sense is super week but I surely haven’t had any this year). It is very odd as I used to eat it every month, usually multiple times (I consider eating up 500g in days one time).

(Robin) #47

I like raw too, AND I love a good sear on the outside. If you can accomplish both, I am an even bigger fan!

(Karen) #48

All looks pretty good to me tho i do loke rare lamb nice and pink yum yum

(Karen) #49

@Fangs yep spice is okay at the mo but it makes my wee sting :rofl:
Food over last 2 days

(upload://A5rSbpZMSDZjgBZmNkhp2EprOzo.jpeg) !

Dancing this afternoon at Lichfield and had a lovely time, Raymonds legs managed a fair bit of dancing after his legs were sore from climbing 3 flights of steep stairs at the antique shop! Valentines dance tomorrow night in Northants which is an hour and quarters drive.

(Geoffrey) #50

Had a rough day on the farm today. Didn’t have time to eat all day as I was busy with one of my heifers. She had a very difficult first birth and it didn’t go well. I ended up having to pull the calf. It wasn’t alive and the whole procedure left the poor girl down in her hips. Pinched nerve. Between doctoring her and building a sling to try to get her standing again (which hasn’t worked yet) and taking care of the calf it was late in the day before I could eat. It’s a sad day around here when we lose a calf. Now we are down to trying to save the momma.
Anyway, I finally got to eat so I just made a bacon and cheddar omelette.


Bolt died yesterday afternoon
7 seizures in a row, cluster seizures. couldn’t get him to the emergency vet fast enough. he was seizing in the car all the way too. When I got him there the vet said she put him on the table and heard his last heartbeat. Very sad, that dog was so adorable and so good. Kiddo had a hard time when I had to call her. So we are a bit sad around here today. Life marches over all of us of course as we all know :frowning:

Facility called. Putting my MIL back in hospital. hubby been around covid at his job now and he cant go to ER to see her at this time. her breathing is not well and she is ‘seeping’ liquid thru her arms and legs a bit and she is swelling due to edema. I truly think her heart issues are coming to light. So they will get her settled and we will check this AM what is going on.

zc holding. ate 1/2 a roaster chicken last night.
beef and pork today. usual. at least with all the crazy going down around here I got simple eating lifestyle, you know that helps me alot actually,


@Geezy56: Poor cow :frowning: I hope she gets better. And my condolences for the calf :frowning:

@Fangs: Oh :frowning: My condolences, it’s sad but it’s inevitable, I am so glad he lived a decent while after the vet gave up on him and not even some miserable time. Alvaro asks how old was he? But he surely had great years, holidays at the beach and very good food in his life :heart: :broken_heart:

I write about my food next time (I don’t have much hunger or appetite but of course, I eat just not very much).The weather still was good, we had a walk in the forest and saw numerous snowdrops and hellebores and when we always arrived home, some violets too! Our young dogwood has flower buds already, I saw the same in the forest. Spring is very near.

(Robin) #53

The circle of life sometimes feels like a a hamster wheel and we are scrambling out of control. Add grief to the mix, and it’s devastating.
I’m glad you have found your personal place of peace and stability so you deal with it in a healthy way?

(Robin) #54

Oh Fangs, I hate to hear this! I feel like we have been pre-grieving for our Paul this last year.
Old dogs…. Nothing better.
Hugs to you…

(Karen) #55

@Geezy56 and @Fangs what a sad time for you both. I do hope mama cow is able to be saved and @Fangs you definately extended Bolts life by at least a year. I do hope your Mil pulls through okay and that hubby doesn’t come down with covid.

I went dancing last night to Barton Seagrave which is next door to Kettering, about one and a quarter hours drive from Nottingham. Good time dancing and home for about 1am. Was hungry so had a tin of tuna before going to bed.

Up fairy early as my daughter and i were taking Ben out for a Sunday roast. I had a trio of meats but they must have chopped off all the end bits of lamb pork and chicken as it was all dry. The butter i asked for came as clover spread so i sent it back for the real thing! Sian said her pork was delicious, moist and tender. Hey ho, I ate slowly so I didn’t end up with indigestion!

So foody pics for yesterday and today


My weekend fell apart, OMAD became 3MAD, my macros went up quite spectacularly (170/170, 200/150 for fat/protein) but it felt little food as my meat intake was low (around 300g, a bit more on Saturday when I tasted Alvaro’s food, I was interested in meat today but I didn’t have much but so much other items…). It wasn’t even close to carnivore either. Maybe it’s still keto. Sigh. Oh well, there is March, April and May as well. And I plan to go back to my strictest possible, I fancy a SIMPLE day. Like, I eat as much pork shoulder roast and boiled eggs as I want for my hopefully only meal and we will see if I need something else. And that should be a little sour cream. It feels quite great for dessert now that I run out of Greek yogurt.

I ate too much cheese and other dairy this weekend. And extra egg yolks are partially to blame for my very high fat intake. I made carnivore biscuits with them. If I bake them for long enough, they became even crunchy. But the last batches were too yolky, I need more spice and more cheese! It’s rare for me to find something too eggy, my buns are 100% eggs, my old ice cream was close too - but biscuits need to be different. I need something else for both taste and texture. I won’t give up. These were somewhat pretty and crunchy. And edible. Not anywhere near good but I am not done with them yet. I can be VERY stubborn, I just rarely wanted biscuits on carnivore. I regularly wanted pancakes for several years and I kept experimenting and after a super long time, I perfected it. It was way easier than a biscuit, crunchy is hard on carnivore if I base the item on eggs but cheese should help. It’s interesting pancakes were the hard ones. Crunchy wafer is ridiculously easy on keto. I can’t say I miss those (and if I do, I eat them) but they were useful. I love my cheese whisps but I don’t always want a super cheesy crunch.

Rainy, then gloomy day today. Alvaro was very glad he cooked his food outside yesterday. He always burn some of the “Australian” bush. And then try to get out the thorns from his hands. It’s a tough opponent but we will win in the end.
Alvaro’s Mom sowed seeds. I haven’t even dug up the veggie patch yet but it’s tiny and I don’t even know if I have carrot seeds left. It’s a cheap veggie, I don’t even know why I bought some. Not even purple ones! I am weak when it comes to seeds but I try to resist. The rest of the plants have plenty of time.I think. I will check out my seed box. I don’t remember what flower seeds I have… Maybe I need some new ones, I always buy new ones in the spring… Despite having zillion flowers anyway… But those aren’t the same and many are very seasonal. Like the hundreds of daffodils, they are very spectacular but short living.
Oh I can get out the gladioluses, I try to make sure more than one will bloom this year. I know I happened to put most of it to the wrong place, they didn’t get enough sun after the trees got their full foliage… One did and still refused to bloom though. But one were very beautiful and the bulbs of those two in the sun got bigger and made several tiny bulbs. So we will need a nursery school for those, I suppose.

Weather forecasts said the more serious frost will make a comeback. It said it last week. Now it says nope, maybe a light frost here and there, not every day. I just want my sun back. And good weather and not muddy forest soil for cycling.


Where do y’all find your cast iron skillets? 2nd hand shops, or camping shops. My cast iron skillet was a left over from share-housing but it had a wooden handle, which has perished. I’d love an iron-handled pan skillet.

Life has been messy and busy and family. Back at home now and ready to even out the keel with lamb chops last night and a big serve of bacon and eggs this morning. Yesterday my Sicilian suocera (Mother-in-law) allowed me into her kitchen to cook myself an omelette. In her kitchen! I was very grateful even though I had to use olive oil, low-fat ham slices and low-fat grated cheddar cheese. She also made me a mean (as in awesome) coffee.

I hiked in to some remote cliff base reef surf spots with my nephew (he’s a surfer visiting from the other side of Australia) this past weekend. The afternoon summer temperatures were topping out at 42’C (107.6F). The ocean was 19’C. It was a great mitochondrial work out to switch between the two worlds. My Vitamin D levels must be maxxed out.

Nephew surfing:


Interesting to reflect on @Fangs’ experience.

Here is some specific information about coffee, caffeine and heart tachy(fast) arrhythmias. It is not strong evidence, as it is observational. Video is bookmarked to start at when the coffee chat begins for a few minutes. Spoiler: Enjoy your coffee!


BEAUTIFUL waves!!!
I haven’t seen a sea (and never an ocean but that’s fine) since… 15-20 years? 2024 should be the year, it’s not that far… In Croatia, most probably, that’s very near.

I want a cast iron skillet since some time, no idea how I can find that. We don’t have those shops. Oh well, it will happen eventually I suppose.
But I can’t really make scrambled eggs (or anything else in a pan) now as all sticks horribly. Well, some sticks less horribly like my huge pan but I can’t put a tiny food (like my 2-3 eggs scrambled eggs) into it, it feels so wasteful… Well it’s a lot of pork shoulder in it now… That doesn’t stick so badly.

They may be good, the lean part of ham is good too. It’s about the only lean meat I really like. Even in deli form. I don’t buy it but I never could resist it at my Aunt, I even had breakfast once or twice due to it (I rarely regret eating but those were exceptions. breakfast is a horrible idea for me).
Of course I prefer fatty ham :slight_smile: But lean ham is nice too. As long as it has a taste. IDK how but food industry manages to make some cheap tasteless ham. Alvaro’s Mom gave us a big block once and while it was easy to eat and I suppose it still had protein but it wasn’t particularly enjoyable due to lack of flavor. Every cheap fresh pork has a taste! How could I get it out of it? Even if they diluted with too much things. It still had meat, it was apparent…
But it’s better to go into the other direction anyway, instead of adding water and whatnot, taking the water out. I really like smoked dried ham. Or smoked, not so dried ham but it still lost some water. I don’t touch the watered down cooked ones so common in supermarkets before Easter.

I do my absolute best to quit coffee now. It’s so very obvious since ages I totally should but I am a bad hedonist and sabotage my life quality in various ways.
I drank a last one with my leftover whipped cream (so it was nice, lots of cream) and we will see what I can do. I don’t want to drink 4 liter teas a day either…

(Judy Thompson) #60

Oh no, what a hard week here! Bolt!! Off to the Rainbow Bridge, poor little guy. Wrenched my heart to read that. How is your MIL? How is your daughter recovering from the sad news and is hubby still symptom free?
@Geezy56 you’re amazing to handle all that cow angst on your own. Hope she’s OK, sorry to hear about the little one. What is your specialty? You’ve mentioned advanced degrees. Veterinarian?

Did I tell you some people at Jack’s Chophouse said they were from Weatherford and I said I know somebody in Weatherford, he owns a ranch. They said lots of people own ranches there, what is his name and I said Geezy56, do you know him? :rofl:
Oh well. They won’t be back soon, this is such a tourist town.

@Karen18 beautiful food pics, mine are so boring, I eat the same thing every day and only 1 meal to show each day. Glad Raymond recovered so fast from the exertion. The best part is he knows when to back off for a day or two. Nothing better for him than dancing!

@FrankoBear I’m not sure about watching an hour and a half video so I’ll just say thanks for the spoiler! :coffee: & Waves are beautiful!

@Shinita keep forging ahead! Love your posts. You have to be better off at least trying, doing your best, and taking part. I should learn to make those egg muffins.